
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Extremely Annoyed!

The past 24 hours have been frustrating to say the least. Delays at the shipper put me half a day behind and now, I've lost the other half of the day to the shop.

I picked up not too far from our terminal with my home time load. That is the load intended to get me out to California.

Since I was so close, our H. R. department asked me to swing by the terminal to sign an I-9 form. They somehow lost the one that was supposed to be in my file.

The little voice in my head was screaming NOOOOOO!!! Don't do it! But, I couldn't really think up a good excuse to tell them when they discovered I was several hundred miles away so, I went.

The only problem with going to the terminal is they have this inspection bay that you have to go through whenever you enter the yard. It's right there by the gate so, you can't avoid it.

The inspection bay has it's good points and it's bad. On one hand it's a lot cheaper for them to find a mechanical violation than it is for the D.O.T. To find it. But, on the other hand if they find something, now you have to go over to the shop and get in line. And wait. And wait. And wait!

If you don't have a load, this is great. You get paid to sit around and do nothing. But if you do... They're supposed to put you on a priority list and you should get worked on ahead of the trucks without loads.

The head honcho in the inspection bay said he would notify the shop I was loaded and to put me on the priority list but, after five hours I became restless and went into the shop to inquire why I hadn't been taken care of yet.

The service writer says I'm not on the priority list. What? Grrrr!

I contact my dispatcher and ask him to send another email explaining why I need priority out to the shop. He says he'll take care of it.

Fast forward another five hours and still no move. Again I check with the shop and again I'm told I'm not on the priority list!

Now, two different people have told me they would notify the shop to put me on the priority list, and the shop keeps saying that I'm not on it!?!?

Is something wrong with the inter office email or what?

Yet again another call to dispatch to upgrade the urgency level a notch or two and more hurry up and wait.

Don't know what tomorrow will bring. But, if they yank me out of my truck in the middle of the night to work on it, I will not be a happy camper!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Goin' Home

Going home! Just not yet. I arrived at one of our regular shippers an hour early expecting the load to not be ready. They typically run behind so, I kinda expected this. Usually I call ahead but, for some reason, today I didn't.  No worries though. I have enough time, for once, to still make it to the other end if, they have it ready by the time my hours reset in the morning.

Not looking forward to the dentist but, it's gotta be done sooner or later. might as well get that of my todo list. But, I am happy to head home for some time with the family.

I love the open road and all the places I get to go on my little adventures across the country but, something the wife said today has got me thinking.  I just might be ready for something that keeps me closer to home.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Wow! A whole year without a post. Guess I lost the blogging bug?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Back to work already?

Had a great hometime. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. First day back and I have to sit in a truck stop for four hours to have a tire changed on the trailer I just picked up.

Total forward progress for today... 20 miles!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Well it's been a fun few days. The fun all started a few days ago when I received a call from one of the load planners asking if I could swap loads with another driver and then drive an additional 25o miles. I checked how many hours I had left to drive for the day as well as how many hours I had left on my 14. I told him I had the driving hours but was running out on my 14 due to a lengthy delay earlier in the day. This didn't phase him and he put the load on me anyway.

I pulled off at the next truck stop and proceeded to wait for the other driver to arrive for four hours. Now with only three hours left on my 14 there was no way I could make it.

I called dispatch to inform them but, the day crew had left the building and now the drastically understaffed night shift was there. They don't have the man power to do much at this point. The chance of finding another driver in the area with available hours are slim at best during the day.

Their advise... Just get rolling with it and we'll try to find another swap.

If you guessed that the swap never happened. You're right!

I made it to the receiver seven hours late and ended up waiting til the next morning to get unloaded.

This started a domino - chain reaction for the next two days causing me to be late to every scheduled pick up and delivery. Causing yet another dreaded swapfest to ensure on time delivery.

This irks me every time this happens!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I must say ANOTHER giant humongous thanks to Josh for getting the GPS software back on line after I tried to kill it today! It's complicated to explain, but the software won't run on the operating system on the new laptop so Josh installed a virtual operating system within the supplied system. In essence, I'm running two systems simultaneously. One for the GPS and one for everything else.

Made decent time and miles today so I'm a little ahead of schedule, which is just how I like it.
Way more fun to be ahead than behind!

Spending the night in OKC where it is hot and muggy!!! Another long day tomorrow to keep ahead of schedule, which should put me somewhere in the middle of Tennessee, and then a nice easy day on Monday. :-)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back on the road again. I must say a giant humongous thanks to my son for getting the new laptop up and running. Getting the GPS software to work on this thing was nothing short of a miracle!

I pulled out of San Diego this morning on my way to North Carolina. Hauling premade salads.
After North Carolina I'm planning on heading up to Maine... Don't know if that's where I'll be going or not, but if you never make plans, then you'll never go!

R.I.P. Della :-(

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hurry Up And Wait!

I,m sitting at one of our regular shippers with just a little extra time on my hands so, time for another post.

When I received the preplan for this load last night, I sorta knew this would be the case, based on previous experience with this particular shipper.

I'm at a paper mill in Arkansas. And they have such a reputation for not being ready, our dispatch puts a little note in the comments section of the dispatch to note what time you arrive, get loaded (if it's not a preloaded trailer) and what time you depart so they can bill them for tying up one of their trucks for an unnecessarily excessive amount of time.

Today they're having a "production delay".

I arrived around noon after a three hour drive from my previous drop and check in at the trailer inspection area (they inspect all the inbound trailers to ensure they're clean, odor free, don't have any sharp protrusions into the cargo area and no signs of leaks) and after waiting 20 minutes for the trailer inspector to finish up a personal phone call, I was informed of the a fore mentioned delay.

No explanation for the delay. Just come back at ten p.m. and they'll check and see if the product is done and ready to be loaded.

Great! A ten hour wait and no guarantee it will even be ready. And now it's a live load to boot. Guess I'm not making any forward progress today!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Watermelon Anyone?

I'm spending the night in a little mom & pop truck stop just outside of Boston, MA. Or a they say around here Bawston. It always amazes me, traveling around this great nation of ours. We live in the same county, speak the same language, yet different parts of this county sound so different from one another.

I've been a little busy the past few days so, I try to catch you up on all the fun.

After finally getting rid of the three mystery pallets they sent me up to Illinois, just outside of Chicago to pick up a load of frozen pizzas. The take and bake kind you find in your grocery store freezer already precooked ready to eat, that is, after you reheat them slightly.

Only they're not frozen when I get them. Nope they're still fresh from the oven and we get to cool them down in the trailer as we drive them from point a to point b.

Which means two days of listening to that reefer running on high trying to achieve -10 degrees. which it never did. Almost, but not quite.

The reefer unit has two speeds, high and low. Low speed sounds like a lawnmower at idle. Not too loud and after you get used to it, can actually lull you to sleep. It's a constant droning sound that blocks out all the other noises from all the other trucks.

On the other hand, high speed sounds more like a chainsaw and can wake the dead! I've had many a night trying to fall asleep with that thing in high speed and have found it to be quite difficult. I've tried earplugs which work well, sometimes a little too well, causing me to sleep right through my alarm the next morning. So they have to be used cautiously.

After the pizzas I picked up a load of watermelons right out of the field. It's only the second time in three years of doing this that I've picked up a load from the field. Usually the load goes from the farm to a brokered warehouse and we pick up from that warehouse but, I guess this time someone decided to cut out the middle man.

Rather interesting watching how they get the product on the trailer when there is no loading dock.

They would bring the melons in a flatbed trailer towed by your standard John Deere tractor, then offload them with two distinctly different forklift trucks.

The yellow forklift always went first. Sometimes he would pick up one box and some times two and then the green forklift would pick up one or two depending on how many the yellow one had.
I never quite figured out a pattern but, they seemed to know what they were doing, even if those observing them didn't.

I never asked them why they didn't just pick up three at a time so I can only assume that it would be too heavy for either forklift to handle.

What the photos don't show is the poor guys in the back of that trailer. Their job was to take the boxes of the tail where the forklifts would deposit them and move them into position with a hand pallet jack. I felt for them. It was 107 degrees that day! So when it was my turn in the loading position, I kicked the reefer on for the guys in the back. They were most appreciative.

---------------------------------Lunch for the crew----------------------------------

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What A Day That Was

Or should I say days? If you read the previous post before you read this one, I left off thinking I was empty and without a load going anywhere. You see, I typed that post as I was being unloaded. Before any of what follows transpired.

The facility I was at doesn't want you in their way so they instruct you to stay in your truck and they will bring your bills out to you when they are finished.

So... when one of the lumpers (the people that do the unloading) came out and asked me to move my truck so they could get another one in that particular door and, he didn't have my paperwork, I knew something was up. I just didn't know what.

So, I obliged them, moved my truck out of the door, and found a spot out of the way so I could go back inside and find out where my paperwork was.

I went to the back of the trailer to close the doors and found out why they didn't have my paperwork ready. There were three pallets still in the trailer.

At this point a few scenarios ran through my head. There is another stop on this load that dispatch forgot to mention. The product is somehow damaged or is the wrong product. Or they weren't done unloading me and they moved me out of that door so they could get one of their trucks in there and I'll have to wait God only knows how long til another door opened up so they could take those last three pallets off.

As I was walking across the parking lot to the receiving office, I convinced myself that it was the latter. I could feel my blood pressure rising with each step.

I went inside about ready to pop, but I kept it in check when I checked in at the receiving window. I told them one of the lumpers asked me to pull out but there were still three pallets on the trailer.

The lady on the other side of the glass informed me that the pallets in question were overage. Whoever loaded it at the other end apparently couldn't count and they double loaded those three pallets.

Which begs the question. Where was the driver? Our company policy is that we're to observe every load to ensure we don't get shorted and also to make sure some hotshot forklift operator doesn't punch any new holes in the inside of the trailer.

Either way, somebody somehow, somewhere didn't do their job and it looks like yours truly is going to get to deal with it, like it or not.

I breathed a sigh of relief that I wasn't going to have to wait around all night for another door to open up but, having to deal with the extra merchandise is no picnic either.

I said that this happens all the time and that most places just keep the extra product and add it to the bills. It was then that she rather rudely informed me that they only order what they need to fulfill their customers orders. They are not a storage facility, nor did they have the room to store it. She gives me only the coversheet back which has none of the product codes I'll need and refuses to give me any of the detail sheets with said product codes on them or make copies of them... I'll be back!

OK then. Let the fun begin. A quick call to my people to report the overage and the first question they have. "What's the product code on the first item?" I tell her what just transpired inside and she tells me go back inside and they will give them to me.

I'm beginning to feel a bit like a yo yo but, back inside I go. Only this time I get the detail sheets, a slightly nicer attitude and a smile. I don't even want to know what they said to her.

Well by this time it's too late for them to call the shipper to see what they want to do with the extras so, off to bed to wait for daylight.

The next morning I'm stirred from sleep by my phone ringing. It's OS&D (Over/Short and Damaged) and they want me to take the extras down to an LTL (Less than TruckLoad) company in Terre Haute, IN about 60 miles away and they'll haul it back to the shipper.

A quick drive down to Terre Haute, check in at the office and they ask "It's not a refrigerated load is it?" Nobody thought about this til now? I didn't think I needed to mention this because the people that sent me here already have all this information, and nobody likes it when some dumb driver tell them how to do their job.

No surprise here. They refused to accept the freight. I already figured this when I pulled in and not a reefer trailer in sight, no refrigered storage section in the warehouse. I sorta saw this one coming.

Man the phones. We ain't done yet. Call OS&D yet again to see what we do now. I'm told to sit tight while they figure this one out. Oh gee, I can't wait.

A couple of hours later their big solution, take it back to the original receiver. What, they suddenly have room now? I don't know why but, I just knew this wasn't going to happen.

Drive back to Danville and they won't let me in. I'm told I have the wrong PO#. So I call receiving to try to get this straightened out and guess who answers the phone. Oh she remembered me. Attitude and all.

It's obvious at this point this is not going anywhere with her so I call my people again but, this time I'm too late. They've already taken off for the day so another night of waiting it out to see what the morning will bring.

Fast forward through all the boring sleeping part and it's now the morning of the 18th. This load was supposed to finalize on the 16th. I've accumulated a whopping 120 miles in the past two days going back and forth. I should be a thousand or more miles into the next run but, I can't seem to get this one off my back.

I call OS&D and and they don't have a solution yet. Again I'm told to sit tight. Oh I heard that one before. It's five o'clock in the afternoon before they call back.

Go back down to Terre Haute. Back to that same LTL company. They contacted the shipper and the product that is still on the trailer does not require refrigeration so they can take it.

Are you sure? It's mayonnaise and sauerkraut. Yep, they're sure. OK then. Fine by me. If it means I get to get rid of it I don't care if we dump it in an alley at this point.

Back down to Terre Haute one more time. This time they do unload me and finally, finally, I'm empty.

Off to the nearest truck stop to lick my wounds and call it a night. Hopefully tomorrow will bring something new. Something to... I don't know. Texas maybe.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Not Texas Again

The last post left off with me in Texas. Anyone who knows me knows I loathe Texas. Not that it's a bad state or anything. I'm just always there. I was lured to this line of work with a promise of seeing the country. Not just Texas.

Anyway, Since Texas, I took a load from Conroe, TX (about an hour north of Houston) to Panama city, FL. From there I deadheaded up to our drop yard in Orlando to pick up a load of condiments going to Danville, IL. The bulk variety for the food service industry. I specify, because last time I hauled condiments, it was the little single serving packets for McDonald's. The wife got a kick out a whole truck filled with nothing but little packets of ketchup, mustard, bar-b-q sauce, etc.

Back to the point of this post... I'm driving along today about an hour or so out from my receiver when the Qual-Comm lights up with the next load. Pick up in Franklin, IN going to... Houston, TX

Not Texas again! I about through the Qual-Comm unit out of the window in disgust.

As I'm muttering to myself "I just came from Texas! Don't they have something going to one of the other 47 states?!? " The Qual-Comm beeps again, and just like that, no more Texas.

Makes me wonder if they could hear me... Hmmm...

About the only thing worse than going back to Texas is no load at all. Which is where I'm at now.

But hey, now the odds are back to 1 in 48. A really big one, but still, 1 in 48

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

South Dakota. Been there. Done that.

If you read the previous post, you know I was on my way to one of the two states I've yet to visit. Well I'm happy to report, I made it! It took a little longer than expected due to a pesky bearing on the reefer unit, but I made to and through South Dakota.

Now if I could only get to Maine.

The wife mentioned to one of her friends that I was going to SD and she said to see if I could find Wall Drug. Well I never actually saw Wall Drug but, you couldn't miss the signs.

Here's just a few...

I know I haven't blogged in a while but, I have to tell you why. The "N" key on my keyboard was barley working. I had to push down on it extremely hard and wiggle my finger back and forth to get it to produce about 50. And then go back and delete the other 49 I didn't want.

By the time I did all that I forgot what it was I was going to type. Just a little frustrating. So... I didn't.

I've been back out since the 2nd and work has really picked up! Kinda a nice change from the absolute slowness that was the first four months of the year.

So far in the past eight days I've gone from San Diego to Bolingbrook, IL. From there down to Indianapolis to Pick up a load going to Atlanta, GA (AKA Hotlanta). Then a quick jaunt from there to Griffin, GA to pick up the next one going from Griffin to Flowood, Mississippi, Houston and San Marcos, TX

Only I didn't get to go to San Marcos. I completely ran out of hours upon arriving in Houston, so another driver had to take it the rest of the way.

I can't remember the last time I ran out of hours. It's been a while.

So I'm sitting and sweating in Houston. It is HOT HOT HOT. and HUMID. I don't do well In hot n humid. I'm from southern California. Where we do get our share of hot but, as they say, it's a dry heat.

I'm empty now with no preplan yet so, we'll have to wait to see what tomorrow brings. I hope something, anything. I don't think I can take another day of this.

So' Cal' hot is nothing compared to this!

Oh! I almost forgot. The bird count is up to 26. It was holding steady at 24 for over a year but, all of a sudden, two in two days.

Friday, April 17, 2009

South Dakota Here I Come!

I've been at this trucking thing for nearly three years now and yet somehow, I've never been to South Dakota. Ive been on all four sides of it but, have yet to set foot within that state.

It was a goal of mine to try and hit all 48 contiguous states within my first year of driving but, when that didn't happen I started counting months. When the months get to be too many, you start counting years. Kinda like when a toddler gets old enough to hold up three fingers, you stop saying how many months old they are.

I've gotten really close. I delivered to the west side of Sioux City, Ia just across the river from South Dakota a year or so ago. My wife probably still remembers me saying something like I could sneak over there and tell SRT I missed my turn or something.

Of course, as fate would have it, my dispatch sent me another load 300 miles away with only five hours to get there, back the same way I just came from. No time to lolly gag around on the other side of the river just to say I've been there.

Well that all changed today when they sent me a sweet run from Washington state to Georgia. Routed down the usual route through Oregon, Idaho, Utah...

Ahh yes Utah. I love Utah. It's one of the most beautiful, scenic states to drive through any time of the year. Right at the top of my list.

But today I love Utah for another reason. You see they have this law that you have to have a license plate on your trailer or they get to fine you 350 dollars. Seeing as this trailer doesn't have a license plate, I fired off a quick message to dispatch to remind them of this little fact, and seconds later a new route.

So now instead of heading South to Utah and turning East in Salt lake, I get to head East through Montana and straight down the middle of South Dakota before eventually making that turn to the South.

How does that song go... Oh yes... I fought the law and the law won.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Neverending Saga of Home Time's the wife sneaking in a post again....

One of the recurring themes in our house and on our cell phones is "Home Time." There are many things to consider when planning home time.

What days do I have off?
What big events are happening?
What events would hubby enjoy being home for?

We generally schedule home time for every 4-6 weeks. If we really need him home then he'll come home earlier than that, but it's hard. He needs several days at home so that he can rest, unwind, restock and hit the road. So, 4-6 weeks out with 5-7 days home works for us.

We've had lots of "events" to work around lately... Josh's graduation, Eagle Court of Honor, Doctor's appointments... so we just had to schedule around one event at a time.

Well now, here come the holidays. Thanksgiving is so late this year that if he comes home for Thanksgiving, it will be hard to come home for Christmas. We talked it over and decided to suck it up and schedule him home for Christmas. It means he'll be out closer to 8 weeks and 8 weeks is REALLY hard. We both seem to struggle and be tired of the whole thing around 6 weeks.

I won't bore you with the details but we had this discussion about Thanksgiving and Christmas many times!! The silver lining to waiting until Christmas is that he might actually be home when I'm off work. (The year that I had a ton of time off and he got home the day before I went back to work because of a snow storm....wasn't soooo happy!)

So here was the plan... Request home time for the 24th and hope that it really happens and he's home for Christmas. If he's late, he'll still be home while I'm off. (I go back to work on the 5th).

WE DISCUSSED THIS.... and DISCUSSED this.... and I thought we had a plan....

and then.... hubby called me yesterday and said....

"I called my dispatcher and left her a message so I could find out how much the bonus is this year if we work on Christmas so I could decide whether it was worth it or not."

to which I responded

"Work on Christmas on purpose and you can come home long enough to fill out the divorce papers."

Was I too harsh?

Don't worry, he knew I was joking, but seriously.... I think the man gets bored in his truck and has nothing better to do than re-think about things over and over again just so he has something to do.

I think I made it pretty clear that I don't really care what the Christmas bonus is... It's a bigger bonus to be home. Besides, knowing his track record, he'll be a couple of days late, get the bonus and still be home for my vacation... and he'll still be married.... well maybe that's not such a bonus to him. ;-)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm Still Here

Four and a half months since the last post... What can I say? Writers block???
I just haven't been feelin' it lately... But, I do enjoy going back in the archives so to speak and seeing where I was, what I was doing, what I was hauling a few weeks, months or even a year or so ago. So... I thought I should start doing this ole' blog thing again.

On that note. I'm on my way from Georgia to Wisconsin hauling pool chemicals. It's a hazmat load and the wife just loves it when I'm hazmat boy. Or is it just the extra money she loves... Hmmmm.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention... I finally got to take Vermont off the list of states I've never been to. It's down to two. Maine and South Dakota. This run ends In Wisconsin rather near the I-90, which just happens to go right through the middle of South Dakota. Keep your fingers crossed for a run going west.

Until next time...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

killing Time

I had a little time on my hands for once so, I thought I'd catch up the ole blog a little.

For those of you that read the previous post and wondered... Yes. I sat all weekend in New Jersey. Oh they were open but, the only contact number we had went to someone who was on vacation so, everyone assumed since the delivery instructions said to deliver Monday through Friday and no one was answering the phone, they must be closed. I hate when that happens.

I made it home for my son's birthday and graduation celebrations but, just barely. I actually made it home on my son's birthday. Good thing I requested to be home four days earlier.

But all good things must end and I'm back at the old grind again. I was on my way to Pennsylvania when my dispatcher contacted me today and told me I needed to swap with another driver.

Now if you've been reading this blog for a while you know how I loathe swaps. I always seem to be the one who gets the short straw in these exchanges. Seldom if ever does a swap benefit me.

So instead of Going to Pennsylvania I'm now heading to Florida. And the real reason for the swap reveals it's self. It's 800 miles from here and four days until it delivers. Looks like I'll be babysitting another one.

I don't know. Maybe I'll hurry down there and ride my bike around a little, Florida is nice and flat. Or we have a drop yard about 60 to 70 miles away from the receiver. Maybe they'll let me drop it off there and I could get one of those cruise ship loads that go from coast to coast, corner to corner. That would be nice!

Friday, May 23, 2008

This May Be A Looooooong Weekend

As the title implies this may be a long weekend. Hours of service restrictions and heavier than usual holiday weekend traffic caused me to not make it all the way to the receiver by the appointed time. A call to dispatch to find a swap was unsuccessful as was a call to the receiver. They had already closed for the day.

Details in the dispatch info on this run state that receiving hours for this particular receiver are Monday through Friday 6a.m. to 2p.m. only. Tomorrow being Saturday I'm not very optimistic at this point that there will be someone there over the holiday weekend.

This happened to me once before and is was a long weekend in a truck stop.

Only time will tell.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Been a while

Wow, I just looked back to see when the last time I posted was and whew. It's been a while.
Well, I could list a thousand excuses, I've been running like a mad man, I've been sick from the never ending cold, yada yada yada... Truth is I killed the Blogger bug! Yep, killed him deader than dead.

But the wife nagging me to just post something is far worse than the bite of that stupid little bug. I've never really been a writer but, if it makes people happy, who am I to deny them that. So I'll try to post a little more often. Try, but no guarantee.

I've been out since April 1st and too, too much has happened to go back and write it all now so, let's just pick it up here.

I delivered pureed strawberries and flavoring extracts to a company that makes it into yogurt for a rather large name brand who then slaps a label on and just lets you think they did all the work themselves. Rather interesting the things I learn about what goes into getting a product from farm or factory to it's eventual end user.

Having completely exhausted my 70 hours in only five days I limped over to a nearby truck stop to camp out for the next day and a half in order to get a fresh 70. Getting from receiver to truck stop was a bit tricky though.

I'm in the northeast and in the northeast they have expressways and parkways. Trucks can go on expressways but, are prohibited on parkways. So, while at the receiver I plot a route that I thought avoided any and all parkways. I was wrong.

I got on a little state route that virtually parallels the Interstate where the truck stop I want to end up at is located. The two roads eventually come together like a V several miles south of the truck stop. Only problem. I'm at the top of one leg of this V and the truck stop is at the top of the other leg. I noticed a state highway that cut across that V right through the middle thus eliminating several miles of unnecessary travel and time .

I checked the maps to see if there were any truck restrictions and couldn't find any so off I go.
I exited the highway and made a left under the overpass. So far so good. No signs saying trucks prohibited. I want to go straight so I get into the only lane that goes straight and pull up to a red light. It's then that while patiently (yeah right) waiting for the light to change I glance across the intersection and notice a sign about the size of a postage stamp. You know the one with a truck silhouette inside a red circle with a slash through it.

About the only thing I could do is really really tic off every one behind me and wait for the six million cars in the left turn lane to clear out and make a left back onto the highway I was just on, only now going in the opposite direction of the one I want to go. But no sooner than I start to roll the light changes and the opposing traffic starts coming straight at me. I don't know if you've ever driven in the northeast but, pretty much everybody has the "not in front of me" attitude I'm half way into their lane and they have to swing wide to go around me. Not one car stopped and let me finish my turn. Not one! A lot of them waved, quite a few honked and a couple wanted to know where I got my license. I'm always amazed how friendly they are up here.

Finally Their light changed and I just went. I'm sure my light was red but, I was so far into the intersection I could no longer see it. I got turned around and start heading in the right direction when I see a sign for another state highway with number rather than a name. The numbered ones are usually truck friendly so I take a chance and again exit. I turn the corner and glaring back at me is a huge sign mounted on one of those pipes that spans from one side of the road to the other "NO COMMERCIAL VEHICLES"

O.K. so I'm not the sharpest knife in the utensil drawer but, even I can take a hint. I again head north when I really, really want to be heading east but, they just won't let me. I got off at the same dreaded intersection I just had so much fun at. Ah deja vu. I turned back around and took the long way. They say the third time is a charm but, I just didn't have it in me to try again.
What should have taken 20 minutes took over an hour and the cookie crumb trail on my GPS looked like a pretzel but, I eventually made to my desired destination.

I thought the fun was over but, nay nay. It was just beginning. It's the middle of the day and usually the shower wait is brief if any. So I gather up all my shower gear and some clean clothes and head inside.

This particular truck stop chain is the last of the last to convert their showers to an automated system with a keypad entry lock rather than the "motel room" key system where you would have to wait in the hour long line at the register counter with all the people making purchases or picking up a fuel receipt to get your key.

The new system has a computer kiosk where you swipe your preferred driver card and it spits out a receipt with a "driver number" and a pin number. There is a monitor near the showers that will display your driver number next to your assigned shower and it also pages on the overhead PA system when one becomes available.

If one becomes available. Like the perfect storm, various elements all came together at the right time to keep that from happening any time soon.
1. The system was just installed and still had a few bugs
2. Half of the showers were being renovated
3. Frustrated drivers were leaving.
4. No one thought to put a time out timer on the system so that when a frustrated driver left or simply wasn't paying attention when their number was called for over an hour it would kick 'em to the curb and reassign their shower to the next person on the wait list.

When the maintenance person that cleans the showers has nothing to do and is in the lobby chit-chatting with the waiting drivers someone finally noticed that driver 121 had been up there for over an hour. a quick check of the showers revealed that all five were empty and waiting but that computer was going to keep calling driver 121 till the cows come home.

An hour and forty five minutes later I finally get to take my shower. This is why I take my showers at the end of the day. I may lose a little sleep but I'll stay on schedule. A delay like this could push an on time delivery into the next day if you arrive at your receiver after everyone has gone home.

Last but not least. I returned to my truck after my three hour shower just in time to witness a parking lot accident happen right across from me. Kinda sucks to see that happen because of a poor parking lot design but it made me think. Maybe my day wasn't so bad after all.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Stealing Pictures Again...

Ok, so hubby is still lagging on the old blogging, so I'm trying to help him out.
Here are a few random updates about life on the road....
1) He has a cold. I could share the list of reasons/possibilities he shared as to how he could have contracted said cold, but well... they were gross. Let's just say that some days he gets pretty disgusted with some of the less hygienic truckers he crosses paths with.
2) Cool thing is that he was pretty much out of hours when he dropped off his load yesterday and he was able to sleep and recuperate. That RARELY happens, so it's worth noting.
3) He encountered a grumpy person at his pick-up today that just had to complain about everything. You know what? It's not the trucker's fault that someone gives him the wrong load number or po number or whatever number he needs today. He's just the sorry sap that gets to be treated like crap by you....when you're annoyed about it.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Loving the Web Cam!!!

Hubby and son have been experimenting with the web cam we bought for Christmas and I am loving it. It is so fun to see where he is. I keep telling the reluctant blogger that his people would love to see a picture a day with a little description. He doesn't even have to tell a story.

And sooo... until he picks up the slack and starts posting more. I'll just pick a picture or two to share. (I stole them right off his webcam page....he doesn't even know I'm doing this...shhh....)

Hopefully he'll share the webcam page once he gets all the bugs work out.
~The Wife

Monday, March 17, 2008

Delivery Delays

The past few days have been a regular old swap fest. What's a swap fest you ask? Out of the past five loads I've had I didn't take one from shipper to receiver. The way it usually works. Instead I would pick up a load, get a message that another driver was running low on hours, and they needed me to rendezvous with the other driver.

Swapping or re-powering a load every once and a while is problematic enough but, five in a row makes it real hard to manage the log book.

When I receive a load it has a pickup date and time and a delivery date and time with approximate miles from shipper to receiver. I calculate how many miles I need to run each day to arrive at the receiver a few hours before the scheduled appointment time. I plan where I'm going to stop for the night, where I'll fuel, etc. etc.

When I receive a request to swap (usually from the other driver's dispatcher) I'm expected to do most if not all if the driving to the swap point (because the other driver is out of hours) and then, somehow, still make that delivery time on time. Making all that meticulous planning worthless.

The best one was they send me over 200 miles out of route to meet another driver to do yet another swap. I drove four hours longer than I intended to that day in order to get to the swap point at the predetermined time. I arrive there around midnight unable to locate the other driver. When I inquire where he is, they send a message that the swap was canceled. The other driver wasn't going to have enough hours to make delivery on time. Well now thanks to this little sideways jaunt out of my route, I won't have enough hours either.

I eventually made to the destination. Late, but I made it. I rather dislike walking in to check in at the receiver late. They don't know all the behind the scenes stuff that caused you to be late. All they know is you're late. They've heard all the excuses too so, I don't offer any. I simply apologize and wait my turn to get worked into the rotation. Fortunately this receiver was a 24 hour facility and I didn't have to wait too long... This time.

I finally got to take one all the way. It was tight getting there on time because all the swapping had my log book just about shot. Well I thought I arrived on time.

From time to time we'll receive a dispatch with an open ended appointment time. They'll put an appointment time of 08:01 which generally means one of two things: My company could not confirm an appointment time because the receiver's office staff had left for the day ( in this case the weekend ) or they operate on a first come first served basis.

I was gambling on the latter. I arrived last night, went to check in only to find out, no appointment, no unload. I notified my dispatch this morning that I needed an appointment time.
They called the receiver and set up a time . Noon tomorrow.

Kind of disappointing to have to wait that long after I hauled butt to make it there on time but, the up side is, I'll get a 34 hour restart and have plenty of hours available when I head home for home time later this week.

Oh by the way for those of you that always want to know what I'm hauling and where I'm going...
This load is Birdseye frozen vegetables from Macon, Ga to Fort Worth, Tx

Friday, March 7, 2008

World's Largest Truck Stop

I'm spending the night at the world's largest truck stop. I'm not quite sure if that is based on the number of parking spaces or just the sheer size of the place. I always make it a point to stop here whenever I come this way.

They have this huge show room with almost anything and everything you could ever want for your truck. I'm like a kid in a candy store. A broke kid in a candy store, but it's still fun to look.

I Was on a run from Ohio to Southern California and normally wouldn't have been routed this way but, another driver was running low on hours and they sent me up here to swap loads with him. My load has more time on it than necessary and he won't have to run so hard to make it on time. Whereas the load I'm getting from him is going to require a small miracle to get it there on time. I love a challenge.

The only downsides; I'll be heading back to the congested east coast and I'm giving up a sweet hazmat run that would have put me within spitting distance of home.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Will That Be Plastic Or More Plastic

I seem to have gotten stuck on running nights lately. Never fun but, has to be expected from time to time. The past three days straight I've had to run all night long to make the delivery appointment time. I'm not a big fan of running at night so I try to avoid it as much as possible. But, some times it just cannot be avoided.

A couple of months ago I hauled empty pill bottles from a plant in Ohio to a phamacutical company in Texas. Todays run...

Haul little plastic pellets used to make pill bottles from Texas to that same plant in Ohio.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Blog Is Back!

Well, It has been a while. As you know the laptop was out of commission for a few months. I broke it two days out from home time so, seven weeks on the road before I could get home to drop it off to have the necessary repairs made, then another six or seven weeks out on the road without it. Then when I finally did get it back...

It worked out for the best having broke it so early on after I headed out from home time. It gave my genius son just enough time to research what we needed, order the new screen, have it shipped and there waiting for me by the time I got back home.

Well, almost. I have a Dell computer and for some odd reason, Dell does not sell replacement screens. They'll install a new one for you if you ship the computer to them along with an arm and a leg. A bit too pricey for my blood. So my son had done his homework and found out Dell uses Toshiba or Samsung screens which can be ordered from just about any place computers are sold.

Well he tried all the usual places like Best Buy, Fry's, Circuit City and so on and found out they all charged about the same for a replacement screen... TOO MUCH! So a little poking around on the Internet and he found one for about half what all the name brand stores were charging. He ordered the screen and called me with the good news. About two weeks and my new screen will be shipped right to my door. I scheduled home time so I would arrive a day or two after the screen.

Two weeks goes by and no screen. I'm going to be home in a little more than 24 hours and no screen. My son sent an email to the shipper asking where the little bugger was at and no reply. Another and another email and finally they reply with "We no longer carry that model. A full refund has been returned to your credit card" Well that's just dandy! would have been nice if you had told us that when we placed the order!

All is not lost. He had a list of sites that sold my screen so, having learned a valuable lesson, we sent inquiries out to a couple to make sure they had one in stock before we tried that again.

The screen was just a bit more expensive at the other site so, I couldn't really justify paying for the overnight shipping. Yep, you guessed it. another five to six weeks without a computer. I left the computer at home so it would be there when the screen arrived and my son could do the repairs. Wouldn't you know it, the new screen made it from Pennsylvania to San Diego in record time. It arrived less than 48 hours after I pulled out.

I'm happy to report the new screen works perfectly. I've actually had it for some time now but, I kinda fell off the blogging wagon so to speak, I'm going to try to give it another go.

I purchased a laptop stand for the truck so hopefully we won't be doing this again anytime soon.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Low Sulpher Blues

Hubby is in Illinois. He dropped off the Hawaiian Bread load at the Walmart distribution center and then returned a few hours later to pick up his next load. I think he said he's delivering in PA and TX.

Meanwhile he's running low on fuel and he's in the Midwest. For some reason those two things are not a good combination. The fuel stop the company sent him to didn't have ultra low sulpher fuel. Neither did a couple of other places he tried. So once again he's been on the phone trying to locate someplace to buy fuel. Apparently there's a place about 80 miles away, hopefully he'll make it before he runs out.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Broken Laptop

Hubby is not happy right now! He cracked the screen on his laptop so there will be no postings from him for a while. It will probably be a while before we can get it fixed. We don't really have any money set aside for it and at this point we have to wait until the next time he gets home....

So we're back to me spreading the news. I'll see if I can interview him and pass along the fun.

Today he delivered in Illinois. He was pretty happy that he made it right to the delivery because he couldn't use his mapping software on his laptop....grrr....

On a good note, he got a fuel bonus last week and is hoping to get his safety bonus soon. Maybe we'll be able to set some of it aside for the "laptop repair fund."

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

All's Well

Hubby was supposed to be home October 10th, but he was late. He was really bummed. He had planned to take our son to the Miramar Air Show, but he didn't make it home in time. If either of us had posted back then, we wouldn't have been too happy. Now we are grateful.

Hubby was home when the fires broke out and currently he's still home. While the fire is only a few miles away, the winds have died down and it looks like we are out of danger. SRT was really good about letting him stay home a couple of extra days... of course I'm not sure that he could've left on Monday, even if he wanted to. Hwy 8 was closed to high profile vehicles, Hwy 15 was closed because of the fire and the fire was working it's way towards I-5, not to mention that we are on the edge of the evacuation zone.

It can be extremely frustrating when you try to plan something and try to get your husband home on time to be there with the family, but over and over again we find hidden blessings when he gets home late. After how bad the Cedar Fire was in this area, I know he would have been a basket case if had been out on the road worrying about us. It was very comforting to have him here at home.

Hopefully things will settle down here soon and he'll be back on the road enjoying his adventures.

- The Wife

And just like that, things change... hubby just walked up to tell me he is heading out. He is picking up in Torrance and heading out to Illinois. I know he has to go, but it's still hard to say goodbye.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Headin' Home (I Hope)

Since Dallas, I've run up to Kentucky and Ohio, and am currently in Arkansas awaiting my delivery appointment tomorrow morning. I don't have a pre-plan for the next load yet, which is rare. Ususally I know when and where my next load is a day or two before I deliver the current one. But, since I have home time scheduled, it limits the available loads down to the few that just happen to be going in the same direction as the one I would like to be going in.

The fact I don't have a load plan for tomorrow yet makes me just a bit nervous. This has happened a time or two before. There just aren't any loads going the way you want to go, so you sit there for three or four days. Meanwhile, all the plans you have made to be certain places at certain times just pass by and there's nothing you can do about it. Frustrating to say the least.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'll wake up tomorrow and find that perfect run that will head me home. I've been out seven weeks and I really don't want to make it eight. Not this time anyway.

Monday, October 1, 2007

It's Like I Never Left

I've been all over the lower half of the east coast, except Florida, and back to the terminal about three times. But, My luck finally ran out and I'm Back in Texas. Given the proximity of our terminal, it's a 50/50 shot that you'll be going into texas.

Ironically I started and ended up at the same place this past week. Last time I was in the yard, I picked up a load from Firestone Roofing Products, that went to South Carolina. Two days ago I picked up a load out of Virginia that went right back to Firestone.

I picked up from a place that turns coal into coal dust. There was a small black dog there who I'm not sure if he was already black, or if he got that way from all the coal dust in the air sticking to his fur.

I got out of my truck to make sure I was centered in the loading dock and just about fell over him so, being the softie that I am, of course I had to play with him. Not the brightest dog though. I picked up a scrap piece of wood and I could just tell he wanted me to throw it. Ok. I throw it and the dog goes and brings it back right? Not!
No he would go and get it all right but, then he would take off with it. Where he went I don't know but, after about an hour of this I couldn't find anymore wood to throw. I told him I would be happy to keep on playing our little game if he would simply go and get one of the pieces he had stashed and put it back into play.

I went and sat down to wait out the remainder of the loading process and he comes over and wants to be pet now. So, I start to pet him and ew! He's sticky! I look down at my hands and they too are now covered in this black, sticky goo. Glad I keep handy wipes on the truck.

I didn't notice this till the next day but the backside of the shorts I was wearing that night were now black too.

Since they didn't have anything planned for me after dropping of the dreaded black goo I headed to our terminal only about 40 miles away for a nice relaxing evening. Only once I got there They had other plans. Turns out another driver had run out of hours and couldn't finish his run into Dallas.

So here I am in Dallas again... It's like I never left!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Texas Again?

I know it's been a while since I had time to write. I've been on one tight run after another. I just don't have enough left in me at the end of the day to write, so I apologize to my regular readers for not updating very often.

The wife always says to just write where I'm at and where I'm going. What I'm hauling and stuff like that. But, I have a hard time not writing everything.

Well here goes everything. Since the last post I've taken a run up to Idaho. Dropped off there and immediately picked up another going to Florida. Didn't quite make it though. Ran out of hours 300 miles away from the receiver. Another driver took it the rest of the way.

So there I was in Georgia, out of hours and just about exhausted. When one of the load planners contacted me and asked how soon I could be at a shipper about 80 miles away. So much for getting some rest. As soon as the required 10 hour off duty period expired I was off (at two a.m.) to pick up the next one.

Which finds me here in Texas again. Like a moth to a flame. I seem to be drawn to Texas.

I hauled some pulverized clay material that's used to make paint to a paint factory in Temple Texas. So light and fine, a five gallon bucket of the stuff doesn't even weigh one pound. But, somehow they managed to cram 44,000 pounds of the stuff in my trailer.

The plant where they process the big chunks into this fine powder was an interesting place. everything was covered in this yellow dust. Including the workers. I wonder what the inside of their cars look like?

I delivered this morning without being pre-planned for the next load. That's the first time in a long time that has happened. So I don't know where or when I'm going next.

For the first time in weeks, I don't have another load waiting for me as soon as I'm done. That's ok with me. I could use a little time to recharge the batteries. They tend to get run down a little when you're running seven days a week for weeks at a time.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The New Daisy May

I delivered my load to Carrollton (Dallas), Tx the other day and was instructed to come to the yard to pick up a new load. Oh and while your here, go ahead and pick up your new truck. Your brand spankin' new truck. Woohoo

I loved the old Daisy May but, she was getting tired. Things were breaking or would just stop working on a pretty regular basis. It was getting to the point where I was spending more time in the shop than on the road.

In memory of a family friend who recently passed away, I decided to name the new truck Daisy May also. He kept rats as pets and named every single one Henry. When one would go off to rat heaven he would simply go out and acquire a new "Henry".

While I was transferring all my stuff from the old truck into the new truck dispatch called me and asked if I could take one of the new hires out to pick up an abandoned truck rather near one of my drops in Casa Grande, Az. I reluctantly said yes. I wasn't real sure if I wanted someone else driving my new baby or not.

I could of said no but, that would just make life difficult for dispatch. I could of said ok but, he's not driving. That would just make the trip take longer meaning I would have to have a passenger longer and I drive solo for reason. I like my space.

It turned out he had a lot of experience and knew what he was doing. We pretty much ran as a team so we weren't in each other's way a lot but, it is a pain trying to be quiet when you stop. Trying not to shut the door too hard, or take corners too hard. You can't play the radio too loud. You want the other driver to be well rested when it's his turn to drive. If he falls asleep because you kept him up all night long, he's wrecking your new truck. Not his.

We dropped off stop one of two last night and then headed over to find his truck.
The former driver wasn't exactly a clean freak or very concerned with basic maintenance. The truck wouldn't start because it had been sitting for a while and all the fuel drained out of the fuel filter and it had lost it's prime. Fortunatly I had all the proper tools to remedy this and we had it going in no time.

He headed off to the nearest truck stop with a shop to have at least three tires replaced and I'm off to deliver the other stop, SOLO. Just the way I like it. Then a quick jaunt over to Mesa, Az. to pick up a run going to Idaho.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What A Weekend

That was one long boring weekend. I had to spend the holiday weekend camped out in a truck stop because the business I was delivering to was closed for the whole three day holiday.

This all started the other day when I was dispatched out of Waterford, N.Y. The load I was sent to pick up was a hazmat load. Hazmat loads require at least two load lock bars and I had none. I lost all I had when I dropped a trailer in Orlando Fl. the week before. The trailer I picked up, of course, had none inside.

As I mentioned before I had been staying in a little Mom & Pop stop and their store was severely lacking in basic truck supplies. So, off to the nearest name brand truck stop over 40 miles away.

Well this little jaunt eventually led to my demise. The two hours I spent running in circles to pick up the load locks caused me to run out of hours before I could reach my destination just outside of Atlanta, Ga.

I called my dispatch to let them know I wasn't going to make it and to see if they could find another driver in the area who had a few more hours available than I did. After about two hours they sent a message back saying they couldn't find anyone so just get it there when I can. Little did I know that was going to be Tuesday.

Normally we get the phone numbers of both shipper and receiver in the dispatch info but, this receiver had just moved into a new building, and shipper did not have the receiver's new number when they booked the load with SRT.

I guess when the receiver ordered the product from the shipper, nobody thought to get to get their number. You know, in case there's a problem with their order or something like that.

Don't ask how I knew but, when I saw the Hollywood phone number (555-55...) in the dispatch, I just knew it was going to hurt me.

The next morning (Saturday) I drove the remaining two hours to the receiver only to find the place locked up tighter than a drum. Not one single car in the lot. Not one single light on in the building. I tried all the doors anyway. Yep. They remembered to lock every single one.

An overwhelming dread came over me. If they're not open on Saturday, they'll probably not be open on Sunday. If they're not open Saturday or Sunday, than they're probably the type of company that gives all their employees Labor Day off too.

So the Truck is really, really clean now. I finally got to deliver Tuesday morning, and off to pick up the next one.

I'll be heading to Dallas, Tx. as soon as the repair shop in this truck stop can take care of a sticky tandem pin. All trailers that have sliding axles have four locking pins that extend through two rails (one on either side) on the bottom of the trailer. If one pin is missing it puts too much stress on the other pin on that side and could cause it to sheer off leaving that side free floating. when one side is firmly locked in place and the other side is not, the free side can slide back and cause the trailer to start going side ways when you're still trying to go straight.
Never a good thing!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Don't Panic

It's been a while since I've posted here. Hubby keeps it updated a bit better now that he has consistent internet service and we've kind of settled into a routine at home....but.... I have something to share today.

Hubby and I tend to check in with each other a few times a day. I'll usually call him when I'm on my way to work and he usually calls me when I get off work. Most nights he'll call me before he goes to bed. I think the latter is just self-preservation. He's always in different time zones so I might call at 8pm here and wake him up at 11pm there. We also call each other randomly when the thought crosses our minds.

One day (ok maybe more than one day) I didn't call in the morning. I didn't call at lunch. When we finally connected hubby said I was in "trouble" because I didn't check in so he jokingly made up a new rule. I must call on my way to work. I must call at lunch and I must call when I get off work. I know it was a joke, but since I'm a smart @ss, I do it.

"Hi honey, just doing my mandatory check-in."

Well on Monday we talked around 10:30am.

At lunch I called for my "check-in." - No answer

After work I called for my "check-in" - No answer

Hmmmm... he's on a 34 hour restart, maybe he's sleeping.

After I got done working for my old boss a couple of hours later I called again - Lazy bum is still sleeping.

Next morning I called again - No answer

Ok, so now I'm worried. Not even Rick can sleep that long.

I called. And called. And called. We called from different numbers so the phone would ring differently. We left voicemails. We sent text messages. - No answer.

The phone was ringing so I knew it was getting service. Usually it will go straight to voicemail if he's out of service or if the phone is dead.

Finally I called dispatch and left a message with his dispatcher to ask him to call home.

1 hour later - no response.

I called dispatch again and left another message - no response.

Ok, so now I am beyond panicked!

What if he had a stroke or a heart-attack and he's laying in his truck. He's on a 34 hour restart so the company isn't going to be worried that he's not moving....hmmmm...

Finally I call dispatch again and this time I didn't ask for his dispatcher. I just relayed my sordid tale.

"Hi I'm Rick ____'s wife in truck number _____. I'm sorry to bother you, but I haven't been able to reach my husband. It's been almost 24 hours and he usually calls several times a day. Has he done his check call today?"

"Yes Ma'am. He checked in about an hour ago."

"Oh good, thank you for the peace of mind. Can you send him a message to call me, something must be wrong with his phone."

One minute later the phone rang and I burst into tears.

Something is wrong with his cell phone battery. Looks like a trip to the Sprint store is in our future. In the meantime, hubby better start following his own rules. My heart can't take it.

(A big thank you to SRT dispatch. They were very kind and helpful! By the way, his dispatcher wasn't ignoring me....we think she had the day off or something... Hubby was on someone else's board for the day.)

No Vermont This Time

I'm off on another run. Not to Vermont though. Instead I'll be heading south to Tennessee and then on to Georgia.

Due to the extreme distance of my last load and the relatively short time I had to get it there I used up all of my hours and had to sit it out for the last day and a half. No worries. I used the time productively. Did a little maintenance on the truck, a little cleaning and went for a lot of walks. Got to keep up with the wife you know.

There are no name brand truck stops for at least 40 miles in any direction, so I've been staying at this little Mom & Pop stop not too far from where I delivered the other day, which coincidentally is the same spot I'm picking up from tonight. I wonder if I'll be picking up some of the same product I just delivered?

The place I've been staying at the last couple of days didn't have a lot to choose from in the food and beverage categories but, what it lacked in basic amenities, it made up for in character.

I don't know when it was built, and neither does anyone who works here, but I'm guessing it was in the early 1900's. Judging by the floor to ceiling glass walls that encircle the building. It's hard to imagine it in this day and age but, there was a time when the only light you had to work by is what was coming in through the window.

........................Sunset shining through building....................

There was also a nice park right next to the truck stop I discovered on one of my many walks.

....................The Hudson River along side park.......................

.........View from pier towards park. Truckstop is to the left..........

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Coast To Coast

Well I'm back at the old grind. Pulled out of SD a few days ago on my way to Waterford NY. Just north of Albany. Not a bad run to start with!

They routed me along my favorite route. I-70 through the canyons and mountains of Utah and Colorado. It's a bit hillier than I'd like but, you cant beat the views.

The wife has asked me a few times which state I like driving through the most and it's always a toss up between Utah and Colorado. It doesn't matter how many time I go through there, I'm always amazed. (sorry no pic's... Blogger refusing to upload them)

I Deliver early Monday morning and I'll be a stones throw away from Vermont. One of the four states I've yet to visit. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed they'll have a pick up in Vermont waiting for me when I'm empty.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cruise Control

I finally made it off the east coast and am currently sitting in our Long Beach drop yard awaiting delivery early tomorrow morning.

The load I have delivers to a cruise ship on the San Pedro, Ca docks extremely early in the morning and then I'll be heading home for a couple of weeks of much needed rest.

Oh. And I can't forget the honey do's... Come to think of it... I may actually get more rest when I'm working.

See you in a couple weeks.

Monday, July 30, 2007

A Week In Review

This Past week started out well but, went a little south after that. And I don't mean south as in direction. I've had only two loads this week and not for lack of freight, but rather, a slight tear in the inside wall of the trailer caused what should have been a two day run turn into a four day run.

The first load went off without a hitch. Pick up at shipper. Deliver to receiver. No problem. The second load however. I arrive at shipper, back into assigned dock and sit for three hours. The whole time wondering what is taking so long. I felt the dock plate go into the trailer only a few minutes after I got in the dock but, no forklift.

I was going over all the possible scenarios in my head: Did I arrive at break time, are they just drastically understaffed... Unbeknownst to me, The shipper had rejected my trailer and was on the phone with my company trying to figure out what to do next. Would have been nice if somebody had let me in on this little secret.

The trailer was rejected because an earlier forklift impact had bowed the side wall of the trailer out so far it caused the kick plate to separate and bend inward toward where the freight would be.

With my trailer being just wide enough to accommodate two pallets side by side, this particular shipper was not willing to risk their product being damaged during loading or shipment.

It's Friday. 4:30 in the afternoon. The chance of finding an open trailer repair shop... Nil. But I call my company shop anyway. Their advise. Take it to a Truckstop over 90 miles away and see if they can get it patched up enough to get by for now and they'll fix it proper next time it comes by the terminal. I told them this would probably just be a huge waste of time. This was bigger than truckstop shop damage but, they tell me to go anyway.

I drive up to the truckstop, find a mechanic and tell him what my problem is. Sight unseen, they're not sure if they can fix it or not, so two of them follow me out to my trailer. I open the back and they peered in. Instantly they both start laughing. I don't know if it was at me or that the damage was just so funny looking. They said it wasn't anything they could fix and I would have to go to a specialty trailer shop to get that kind of damage repaired.

This is the part I love. The part where I get to call my shop and say told ya so. Well past 6:30 at night nothing in the way of trailer shops is still open so they tell me to find a spot for the night and we'll try this again tomorrow.

I awoke the next morning to my cellphone ringing. It was my shop saying they had found a place that could fix the trailer. This could have waited til after 7:00 couldn't it?

A short drive and I was at the shop. The mechanic immediately climbed in and went to work. But after more than two hours, he came to the conclusion that this was bigger than he thought and he wasn't able to fix this kind of damage. He just didn't have the proper tools and such.

He presented me with two options. there was a shop a short distance away that could probably do the job, or... there is this guy he knows (there's always a guy) that does really good work and he could come there and do the work in their yard. Well I'm not the decision maker here so I passed this information along to my shop, sat back and waited for them to tell me what they wanted to do.

About an hour later I hear all this banging coming from my trailer. I go back to see what all the ruckus is. Apparently my shop decided to go with the mobile mechanic. Thanks for never calling me back. What is this keep the driver in the dark week?

Mobile Mechanic (background) and helper

Well apparently "this guy" had all the right tools. In no time they had the wall straightened, the gap closed, all the rough edges ground down and they even sealed the joint with a nice layer of caulk.

In fact they did such a nice job that if you didn't know where to look, you wouldn't be able to tell there ever was any damage.

The next day I drove the 90 miles back to the same shipper and this this time, thankfuly, passed inspection.

Mobile mechanic's truck backed up to mine for easy access to their tools

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Planes, Trains and Automobiles... err Trucks

Mechanical woes almost caused me to be late today. I received this load the other day but, because i used up all my available hours on the two previous runs I had to sit on it for a day and a half before I could move. No problem. My company contacted the shipper and receiver and a new appointment was set. One that I could easily make.

That is until I went to start my truck yesterday and nothing happened. Don't know why but, this is the third time in the past two months that this has happened. The mechanics can't figure it out either. Must be one of those intermittent problems that comes and goes and just never seems to happen when they're poking around with all their electrical testers and such.

It took five hours to get the problem resolved. And now what was an easy run just turned into a pain in the backside run.

I made it but, just barely. I had use the split sleeper berth option to make it on time but, I made it. My 96% on time rate is safe.

I headed off to the nearest mom and pop truck stop about two miles away to complete the rest of the required sleeper berth time and 15 minutes after I served out the remaining time, I received another run. No rest for the weary...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Out Of Hours & Daisy May Gets A Bruise

Wow! It's been a while since I had a Chance to write. I was home for a few days and ever since I came back out I've been running 13 - 14 hours a day. It's all I can do to get out of the hot seat and fall into the bunk at the end of the day. Not that I'm complaining. I rather like when they keep me moving like that. Makes for a good payday. But too many of those days in a row gets to be a bit much at times. I'm not the spring chicken I used to be.

I ran from California to Georgia in only three and a half days, then up to Indiana, over to Illinois and finally back to Indiana. Which is where I'll be for a couple of days. I've already used up all my available hours and have to sit until they reset on Friday morning.

Kinda boring to have to sit around all day but, I'll finally get that much needed rest that has been eluding me for the past few days.

The other day Daisy May got backed into and she is not at all happy about it. Just some minor damage but, she's still upset. We were sitting in a rest area just a few miles into Arizona when pickup truck towing a U-haul trailer tried and failed at backing up.

I was just getting out of the driver's seat to head into the back for the night when the force of the impact knocked me off ballance, and back into the seat I went. I heard a loud crunching noise and thought to myself, well that can't be good.

The other driver pulled up so I could climb out and inspect the damage. We did the obliglatory exchange of insurance info and all that fun stuff, then, all the fun being over, I finally got to go to bed.

I've been running so hard this past week I haven't had time to get the step replaced. So I'll just have to be careful climbing in and out until I can.