I rolled into California this morning. I could smell home. Not really smell home, but the sage brush and ocotillo plants. That familiar smell of southern California. Different parts of the country have their own smells. For instance, the northwest has a piney, ceder smell, the east smells like industry and Texas has a sulphur smell from all the oil wells and refineries.
It's funny. Arizona has the same basic plant and shrub make up as California. Especially western Arizona, but I didn't smell the sage brush until I crossed that state line. I guess the temperature reached that magic degree where the plants start to sweat out their oils at just the same time I crossed over the Colorado river.
I drop the first half of this two drop load tomorrow in Sacramento. Then San Jose on Friday. Maybe then the wife can stop singing to me everytime I call. Or at least change the words to "Do you know the way to San Diego?"
Hopefully my dispatcher has found something heading south from there so I can go home after stop two. Nothing more frustrating than being so close, but out of range to just deadhead home.
Well it's off to bed for me. I have to get up at o-dark-thirty to complete the remaining miles and deliver on time tomorrow. Goodnight.
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