The load I was under had a tentative appointment for Thursday morning. Tentative because the shipper promised delivery by Thursday but, a firm appointment had not been set at the receiver yet. I was taking my sweet time getting from point a to point b because of all the extra time on this run when my company was finally able to book an appointment with the receiver. Next Tuesday! That's the best you can come up with? Well rather than sit around for an entire week baby sitting a load they directed me to one of our drop yards about 120 miles away. Unfortunately there was nothing available at the drop yard either, so off to the nearest truck stop I go.
I thought I was going to be stranded at the drop yard and wasn't really thrilled with that thought. There were no loads availabe and therfore no trailers. No trailers means you don't go anywhere. Nothing to eat or drink but vending machine food and me with only 20's.
Trucks handle differently without a trailer and are much harder to stop in an emergency. It also costs the company more money to insure because of this. So usually when you drop a trailer and don't have another to pick up, there you sit until you do.
I was quite happy when I put in a request to go over to a truck stop about 20 miles away they actually said yes. I had to send another message just to be sure they didn't read my last message the wrong way and again they said yes. Not wanting to tempt fate, off I went before they realized they made a mistake and changed their minds.
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