
Monday, June 18, 2007

Ok I'm Ready For Some Work Now

It's been kinda nice taking it slow and easy the past few days. But slow and easy doesn't pay the bills. I'm ready for some work now! A good and long hazmat run would be nice. Hazmat is a pain but, it pays more to compensate for all the hassle you have to go through. And that extra pay adds up quick.

I made it to my delivery two hours early and fully expected to have to wait until my appointment time to even be let in. Much to my surprise they took me right in, assigned me to a dock and started unloading me within 15 minutes of my arrival. I could get used to this.

I sat around all day so I would have enough hours left on my log book to get unloaded and still have enough hours available to go to a truck stop or rest area near by before I turn back into a pumpkin.

We have 14 hours once we start and have to complete all our driving / work within that time. Leave too early, and the clock runs out while you're still being unloaded. Then you're stranded there. Leave too late and miss your appointment. Usually having to wait a whole day or more to get a new one. Been there, done that. (see "The Load That Would Not Die")

Well I'm off to find a place to park for the night. Chances are slim I'll find anything this late but, who knows, I might get lucky.

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