
Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Do you know the way to San Jose?

All hubby had to do was tell me that one of his drops is near San Jose and I can't keep that song out of my head. Do you know the way to San Jose?....(I'm sure there are more words, but since the song is probably almost as old as I am, those are the only words I know.) Of course since it's stuck in my head, I feel compelled to sing it to him everytime he calls home. I'm surprised he's still calls me.

I rarely log on to the SRT website to see where he is. I usually just ask him when he calls. But when he's on his way home, I check it quite frequently. Usually it goes something like this...

Texas (dang is he ever going to leave Texas?)
New Mexico, Arizona, California - boom, boom, boom.
Of course once he hits California then it's

He might be in the Golden State, but he's still far from home.

Speaking of home... Hubby doesn't really complain TOO much about little delays on the road. For the most part he knows that it's just the way the industry works. There's a lot of hurry up and wait. But he has little to no patience when he's on his way home! I think it just drives him crazy to be so close to home and then have to deal with California traffic, delays at receivers and the waiting for the magic beep that means he can head home.

Knowing that, I'm kind of feeling guilty. I goofed. I forgot Josh was leaving for camp on Monday when hubby and I were going over the calendar and scheduling home time. Best case scenario, hubby will be home on Saturday. That doesn't give them much time together. And I don't even want to think about worst case scenario! I'm not thinking they would particularly enjoy waving at each other as one heads south on I-5 and the other one heads north.

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